La Voz Humana (The Human Voice)
La Voz Humana (The Human Voice)

La Voz Humana (The Human Voice)

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A woman watches time passing next to the suitcases of her ex-lover (who is supposed to come pick them up, but never arrives) and a restless dog who doesn’t understand that his master has abandoned him. Two living beings facing abandonment. In 30 mesmerizing minutes, Swinton’s nameless character runs through a frightening gamut of emotions, from despair to fury to exhilaration, all while isolated in a luxurious apartment that’s also a stage set; her only companions are her ex-partner’s dog, Dash, and the betrayer’s unheard presence on the other end of her phone. Almodóvar used many of his frequent collaborators, including cinematographer José Luis Alcaine and composer Alberto Iglesias, for this impeccably designed yet combustible adaptation of Jean Cocteau’s 1930 play The Human Voice.

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Extra information

Deze voorstelling is onderdeel van het Amsterdam Spanish Film Festival.
This show is part of the Amsterdam Spanish Film Festival.


1 video
4 stills

Cast and crew