Join the Club!

From movie experts to discoverers. From horror enthusiasts to Marvel fans.
As a member of Club Pathé, you experience movies together. Get more out of your cinema visits and discover Club Pathé for yourself!

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Save for cool items & discount

For our members, we like to do something extra! Want to go to the movies for free? Fancy some salty popcorn? Or do you want to watch that one film you just missed in the cinema via Pathé Thuis?

Save points automatically with every cinema visit using your My Club Pathé account. With these points you can get discounts on tickets and snacks & drinks or buy cool items in our shop. Registration is completely free!

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My Club Pathé

Create an account for free and benefit from even more advantages such as taking part in fun (win)actions!

As we get to know you better and better as a member, we can offer you a personalised total experience. From personalised deals to content tailored to your film interests! In your account, you will find all the info you need to know in order to get the most out of it and you can also easily manage everything. Your tickets, your favourite films, your friends list and adding or changing a subscription that suits you perfectly.

Do you already have a My Club Pathé account? Then log in quickly!

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Our flexible subscriptions

Do you want to enjoy more Pathé? As a member, you can enhance your account with our bundles & extras. Unlimited movies or just once a month? Prefer going alone or bringing a friend? And don't forget about the little ones: enjoy the best children's movies unlimited together. Choose a subscription that suits your movie experience!

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Special member nights

As a member of Club Pathé, you gain access to evenings specially organized for our members. Enjoy your favorite movie together and feel part of the Club.

Participate in fun challenges

Using the Club Pathé app, you can participate in exciting challenges and benefit from unique giveaways. As a member, you regularly have the chance to win tickets to exclusive events and nice goodies from your favorite movies!

How to earn your points?

With your (digital) Club Pathé card, you automatically earn points with every cinema visit. You receive 10 points for every euro you spend. Buy your tickets using your account and make sure to have your card scanned at the checkout.

Download the Club Pathé App

To make the most of your earned points, download the special Club Pathé app. Here, you'll find the digital shop, your current points balance, and your purchased product vouchers.