Extra information Pathé Leeuwarden

In this cinema you can only pay by card.

Films at Pathé Leeuwarden

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Pathé Leeuwarden

Parkeergarage Zaailand The garage is open 24/7. The daily rate is € 2. Between 19:00h and 06:00h there is a maximum rate of € 4. The maximum daily rate is € 10.
Disabled parking spaces The nearest disabled parking space can be found in the Zaailand garage. You can park at Zaailand 76 (behind the cinema).
Adres Zaailand 5
Tarief € 2,00

Parking Oldehove Monday through Saturday open from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm. Sunday from 10:00am to 6:00pm. Driving out is always possible. The daily rate is € 2 per hour. Between 19:00h and 06:00h there is a maximum rate of € 4. The maximum daily rate is € 10.
Adres Oldehoofsterkerkhof 3
Tarief € 2,00

Public Transport
Opening hours
Dagelijks 15 minutes before the first screening.
General information
Seats 620 Relax Seats
Largest Room Room 7: 150 Relax Seats
Rooms 7
Sound System Dolby Atmos, Dolby 7.1
Wheelchair accessible Wheelchair facilities: All rooms are wheelchair-accessible and at ground level (via lift). Disabled toilet available.
Auditory and visual support: by means of Subcatch & Earcatch.
Lost & Found: Found objects are posted on ILost.co within 48 hours.
Nuisance SMS code: SMS 'LEEUW' 'room number' 'reason for support' naar 3669.