Club Pathé is the loyalty program of Pathé. With your free account you can easily manage your entire cinema experience. From your tickets and favorite movies to your friends list and adding a subscription that suits you perfectly. And because we get to know you better as a member, we can offer you a personalized overall experience. From personal deals to content that is tailored to your movie interests!
As a member, you have a personal digital card that can be scanned at the cinema when you purchase drinks and bites. You can spend the points you earn in our digital shop. Additionally, you also earn points when purchasing your movie tickets through the app or website. You can recognize your digital card by the QR symbol. You can find your card in the upper right corner (next to the search bar) in the Pathé app or in the middle at the bottom of the menu bar in the Club Pathé app.
As a member, you earn points for discounts and fun extras! You can use your points for several discount vouchers or free products in the shop. There are also often exciting challenges. In the digital shop, you can see how many points you will need for a product and whether any additional payment is needed. Add your favorite products to your cart for checkout, and you will receive your digital voucher, which can be redeemed at the cinema.